A new way to communicate with us! ⚡📱

We are adding a new way to communicate with you directly with “Timworks”

Accounting practices have come a long way since the beginning of time, and it is only beneficial for accounting practices and for our clients to keep up with the technology.

Hence, we have decided to integrate a new messaging app called Timworks to communicate directly with our clients.


Timworks is a collaborating software where you can send chat and share documents with our team directly.

It is a simple app like WhatsApp but more secure and allows you to contact us and share documents easily through the app.


Why Timworks?

The reason we are choosing Timworks is because it is so easy to overlook emails and we do not want our clients to miss important information and due dates.

Timworks is the only chat app that has been made and tested specifically for use between accountants and their clients.

It prevents miscommunications and you can easily communicate with your accounting team.

What's in it for clients?

Timworks let clients get easy access to quick communications with us, you won’t have to go through endless threads of emails to find a response to a question and it is also easy to look back at the app to see the messages or documents sent.

Timworks integrates with Xero, which means you can share bills, invoices, or other queries directly from Xero to the Timworks app to us so we can have a look at the message and reply to your query quickly and easily.

How to use Timworks?

You can easily download the app through app store on your mobile devices and it’s ready to use!

Whenever we send a message or a GST return, the app will send a push notification to alert you of a new message or new update from us:


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